My thoughts, Uncategorized

Julie/Julia movie

OMG! Where have I been hiding all? Or perhaps why have I not heard about this amazing and totally realistic movie? It totally resonates my current life right now. Plus both of these ladies depicts real life scenarios of both the struggles of life especially trying to find something that would make you feel worthy. I really love how Julia is quite optimistic amidst some blatant judgmental looks or comments thrown her way. She basically lives her life to the fullest and is not afraid to try something new. She made me aspire to be her when she enrolled and even succeeded in being the best student at Le Cordon Blue! This is during a time that a woman chef does not seem to be looked favourably. Plus her amazing husband totally supports her sometime outlandish ideas! It does remind me somewhat of my dear husband who is quite supportive of my dreams and do work quite hard to make it a reality. He even does put my dreams first before his very own which makes me very thankful though a bit sad at the same time.

Julie on the other hand does particularly mirrors what I am doing at this very moment. She is quite tired of her daily life and needs something to make her life exciting, hence the blog. I am the same way. Though she is totally better than me since she made a deadline and completed it. I do have these long absences in writing. Life gets in the way and sometimes I just do not know how to properly organize my jumbling thoughts into a coherent blog piece. It does also seem like Julie is experiencing a crossroad in her life that made her want to do something that she had not done before just like I have not really published my thoughts before as well…

This movie both aspires and touches me to the core. It totally made me reflect on my current reality and future endeavours that I wish to accomplish. I have found two amazing women to look up to and aspire.

What movies has touched you to your core? Please share your thoughts and do give me an advice on how to stay on top of my writing. THANK YOU!

diaper bag, Uncategorized

My Diaper Bag Must Haves

  1. DIAPERS: I always make sure I have at least 2 extra diapers in my diaper bag whenever we go outside just in case my baby urinates or have a bowel movement.
  2. WIPES: For obvious reasons, this is utilized when we need to change my baby’s diaper or even when we have to wipe his face after he eats. We use disposable paper towels instead of the baby wipes.
  3. CHANGING PAD: You never know what happened or who touched the baby’s changing table in the washroom or if it has even been cleaned. I would never want my baby to lie into a surface that is dirty.
  4. LYSOL WIPES:This is to clean the changing table or any surface that my baby would touch or sit on including those baby chairs that can be used in the food court. Again no one will know for sure if somebody did not wash their hands after using the washroom. Babies and children most of the time would touch surfaces and puts their hands into their mouth. Yeah, that is a no no in my house.
  5. EXTRA CLOTHES: Having an extra baby clothes is important in case of explosive bowel movements or whenever the baby gets dirty after eating a meal outside. I can barely remember using my baby’s extra clothes but I would rather bring it than needing it and it is not in my bag.
  6. NURSING COVER: I used my baby’s old swaddle blankets to tie around my neck (loosely of course). I would prefer to preserve my modesty but I do know this is based on each mothers’ preferences and you do what you feel is right for you. Unfortunately for the past couple of months, my baby is in the age of extreme curiosity, he would constantly fight or try to lift the nursing cover/blanket away from his face whenever I nurse him outside. I am always thankful that most of the large shopping malls in my area has a nursing room for breastfeeding mothers. It is never okay to push a breastfeeding mother to utilize a washroom to nurse her baby. That is very unsanitary and dehumanizing. Nobody wants to eat inside a washroom, why would a baby be expected to do so?
  7. FIRST-AID KIT: My kit includes a band-aid, burn/cut ointment, and CPR kit. During summer months, I would also include sunscreen and mosquito repellent in there as well. One can never know what can happen anywhere so I am always prepared just in case.
  8. UMBRELLA: You may find this confusing or hilarious but I am from a culture that umbrella is a must whenever one goes out from the house. You ask why would someone need an umbrella? You see umbrella is so versatile. One can use an umbrella when it is hot outside (to prevent sunburns) or when it is raining or even snowing. My umbrella is always inside my diaper bag whenever and whatever season it may be.
  9. HAND FAN: Another cultural must have. I always, ALWAYS bring a hand fan even during winter. I mean when one is wearing bulky coats, it is expected that one can always expect to feel sweaty sometimes. This is when a hand fan is vital. Furthermore, during the summer months, a hand fan would make strolling in the park or anywhere else comfortable.
  10. SNACKS and DRINKS: Once my baby reached 6 months, I always bring snacks and drinks whenever we go. My baby is very picky and bringing 2-3 or even more snacks and a drink (water or milk) plus a food pouch ensures that I do not have to deal with a hungry and cranky baby. I also like options hence the need of different kinds of snacks.  
  11. TOILETRIES: This is very important since one can never know when it is needed. This also includes a mini travel bottle of baby soap, small bottle of hand sanitizer, lotion, and lip balm.
  12. TOYS: A very important distraction device whenever my baby is getting cranky and does not like to strapped to his car seat.

You may wonder how I could fit all of that in my diaper bag. I can fit it in my guess bag and I even attached a messenger strap so I can just wear it across my body in case it gets too heavy. I am a self-professed over-packer but again I would rather have too much things to bring outside than not enough. What is your diaper bag must haves?